David Billington PhD
I am a condensed matter physics researcher at Cardiff University. My main research interests lie in understanding the physics behind the remarkable emergent properties of solid state materials. Many material properties can be understood from the way in which the vast number of electrons arrange themselves, the so-called electronic structure. Utilising a combination of state-of-the-art experimental and computational techniques, I probe and calculate the electronic structure of various topical correlated electron systems and test at what point our best theories of the electronic structure break down.
Current appointment
2019—Present Research Associate,
Condensed Matter and Photonics Group,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
Cardiff University, UK.
Manager: Prof. Sean R. Giblin
Previous appointments
2015—2018 Post-doctoral researcher,
Spectroscopy Group II, Research and Utilization Division,
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI),
SPring-8 synchrotron, Japan.
Group leader: Dr. Tetsuya Nakamura
Academic qualifications
2010—2014 PhD, University of Bristol, UK.
Thesis title: Electron-phonon superconductivity in Y and La-based intermetallics and metallic magnetic frustration in PdCrO2.
Supervisor: Prof. Stephen B. Dugdale
2006—2010 MSci, Physics, University of Bristol, UK.
Dissertation title: First-principles study of the electron-phonon interaction in metals.
Supervisor: Prof. Stephen B. Dugdale